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A word from Madelyn Sutton, Director of the Christian Caring Center

Matthew 8:20 “...Foxes have dens and birds of the air have

nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.”

This was Jesus’s response to a scribe that wanted to follow Jesus and become a

disciple. Jesus, our Lord, was functionally homeless. He and His disciples stayed

in the homes of those who would take them in. At the Christian Caring Center we

call this couch surfing. When a person or family becomes homeless, at first

people are usually sympathetic and let them couch surf, but that is only for a

certain time. Jesus could identify with the homeless in His ministry. He was born

in a stable, during his ministry he had no home, and even the last night before His

crucifixion, He was outside in the garden. God expects His people to help support

those who are poor. There are so many verses in the old and new testaments that have specific instructions for us. The Christian Caring Center has had 14 declared Code Blue nights in November and we have helped

20 unduplicated guests. Each one has an individual story and some are dealing with issues of

mental illness, medical illness, addictions, one with dementia, one working but has maxed out her

credit cards and student loans after a divorce, etc. Code Blue is not declared because it is

extremely uncomfortable in the cold but is declared as a health emergency by the Burlington

County Health Department Office of Human Services at 32 degrees or colder because that is the

mark that could cause frostbite or even death. This is such a privilege to minister to the homeless

people and a life saving important work. But we could never do it without all of you! I have been

doing a personal study of ordinary people who gave and contributed to bringing Jesus into the

world so the Gospel could be completed. The Innkeeper was one of them. He thought he didn’t

have anything to give but he gave the only place he had, and the Lord was born in a stable. Our

Code Blue and the other 2 shelters in the County are all in the basements of the churches. In my

church, they don’t use the basement for anything else. When I came to them, they opened the doors

and lives are physically, spiritually and emotionally being saved! Three men were able to be

placed in our Men’s Shelter for 90 days from Code Blue. All 3 of them have found jobs and one is

coming to church with me now. One mentally challenged young man has been interviewed by

mental health agencies and they are trying to help him. One couple had a construction business

right before Covid hit. They lost everything when everything shut down. Someone gave him a

possible job. God is in the miracle business. You might think your donation is too small to make a

difference, but that is not true. When the “church body” comes together and does what the Lord

presents to them and you give what you can, we see the miracle of the 2 fishes and 5 loaves come

alive again and Jesus provides!

Whether it’s the homeless or my seniors on a fixed income facing whether to choose to eat or heat

their homes, single parents facing the same choice or choosing to stay home with a sick child or go

to work because they won’t get paid if they stay home, the list goes on and on. These are the

bumpy roads of today, but we are still choosing to trust God. We are promised that everything has

meaning in God’s plan! He will guide you and provide all you need.

Whoever you are, whatever you do, you can have Jesus in your life. Don’t think you need

extraordinary qualifications or a lot of money; He accepts you as you are. Thank you for sharing

your prayers, time, and financial gifts to spread this wonderful Gospel to the people we serve at the

Christian Caring Center.

Abiding in Him,

Madelyn Sutton

Executive Director


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