It is with a broken heart that the board of directors have decided to sell the Village Thrift Shop in Pemberton Borough. There are a few reasons:
1. The Christian Caring Center lost 2 big grants at no fault of our doing. Donations have also been down due to inflation and the CCC 2024 budget is in a large deficit.
2. The Shop and apartments are in need of repairs, and it is a historic building and every time we try to repair something, there are 3 more repairs under the 1st one and the cost is prohibitive.
3. The Shop has never really even broken even with sales and rents vs mortgage, taxes, repairs and managers salary.
Hence the board had to make the decision to make cuts. Randy, our Manager will be transitioning to Development Manager. Randy will be bringing his 12 years of experience with the CCC and business expertise.
I would like to focus on the last part of this verse, “while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful”. The CCC has definitely been very fruitful! We will be including our impact statement so that you can see all that God has done through the ministry over 2023.
We sadly, we are not taking donations at this time at the Village Thrift Shop. We do have a small section for clothing at the Outreach Center, Browns Mills. We will be having a list of needs on our website, www.christiancaringcenter.net and here on the newsletters. When considering donating, please bring only 1 bag of donations at a time and consider coming in and hanging them up for our clients. This is a great way to begin volunteering, but not necessary. We will be accepting donations at 378 Lakehurst Rd., Browns Mills, Mon., Tues, Thurs., 10am-2pm. We must be limited because we use every space for ministry and there is no storage.