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Matthew 2:12 “When it was time to leave, they (the 3 wise men) returned to their own country by another route, for God had warned them in a dream not to return to Herod.”

This verse is not one that I have ever meditated on until God just quicken my spirit about this.  This verse is talking about the three wise men.  Herod secretly called the wise men, and he found out from them the exact time the star had appeared.  It was probably months after the birth that they visited Jesus.  The three wise men had a specific task: “Go and make a careful search for the child.  As soon as you find him, report to me so that I too may go and worship him.”  We know that Herod wanted to kill Jesus. Just like all of us when we have an encounter with Jesus, things change!  God spoke to them in a dream and told them not to go back through Jerusalem.  You may be going through some life altering experience and times in your life that you have to go another way.  You might, and certainly our clients at the Christian Caring Center could be in mourning for a spouse or close person, a loss of a job, eviction, utilities shut off, etc. Or maybe like the Christian Caring Center, you have been doing the things of God a certain way and been blessed and God wants to increase His presence in your life and increase your ministry.  Like Mary, the Angel said she was “highly favored, and the Lord is with you”.  And then the Lord decided to use her and Joseph in a new direction to bring forth the Messiah!  As we get to go into a new year fresh, CAN WE BE OPEN TO A DIRECTION FROM GOD?  Finding Jesus in 2025 may mean that your life must take a different direction, one that is responsive and obedient to God’s word.  I’m asking myself and for the ministry of the Christian Caring Center, what way is Jesus affecting the direction of my life and the ministry of the Christian Caring Center? 

For our friends at the Christian Caring Center facing the mourning for a spouse or close person, a loss of a job, eviction, utilities shut off, homelessness etc., what new direction can we minister and help them?  I would really implore you to join me in prayer as we seek Jesus and His word to grow the ministry of the Christian Caring Center.

We can only continue to do ministry to people who are lost and hurting with the help, support and prayers of all of you.  It takes the kingdom of God to empower this work, and we count it all joy to have you on our team.  Thank you so much for continuing to support the Christian Caring Center.

Madelyn Sutton


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