ISAIAH 43:1-2 1. “This is what the Lord says - he who created you, Jacob, he who formed

I have been listening to a 40 year old cassette tape from Mike Murdock and wanted to share with you his teaching that can’t leave me for the new year. When you walk through the fire, remember these points.
VERSE 2 When you pass through the waters When you walk through the fire, the flames will not set you ablaze!
1. Don’t Panic This might be a trial of your faith, our own mistake. Remember You are an idea of God, a personal dream of His. We are a God created product! He had you born with your personality, your gifting for this appointed time. You are Redeemed. God believes you have value. He would not have released Jesus to die if you did not have value to Him! “No weapon form against you will prosper.” Isaiah 54:17 He will rebuke the devourer! Malachi 3:11
2. Determine the cause of the Fire. It’s not always the devil. If you caused it by things done or undone. Your circumstances are created by your decisions for good or bad. Daniel decided to not bow down, Jesus decided to go to the cross. Once you take your responsibility and if you made a mistake- be quick to confess it and repent. If God can change the circumstances of a sinner in a minute-SURLEY He will change the circumstances of a believer! Identify and repent quickly.
3. Be teachable- Don’t blame your husband or a friend if you caused it. Just ask God-- show me what I did wrong so I won’t do it again. If you made a mistake, repentance will reposition you. Say you said something you shouldn’t IF you keep quiet and pray, you will earn promotion. There will never be a blessing from God that will go uncontested. Satan is highly interested in you because God is highly interested in you and your assignment.
For 21 days, Daniel prayed and on the 21st day the Angel appeared and said God heard you the 1st day but there was warfare going on in heaven. Your miracle is coming keep your position. It’s coming!! Satan has 3 ways to attack you. He can deceive you, bring adversity or delay your miracle. If Satan can delay your miracle you might lose faith. God will do what He said He will do--you can count on that!!
4. Absorb the wisdom of wise Godly people. Soak in information and the understanding of wise people. They say is takes 16 times of hearing to absorb it. If you have financial problems, then study finances, listen to successful people and what they did. You might not know how to do it but you can learn.
5. Release your own creativity When you go through adversity you turn towards God in prayer intensely, fasting and your mind is more sensitive. God will deposit Himself and give you new ideas and new assignments. People who go through sickness become interested in healing. You might say this thing is about to sink me-NO it’s about to grow you-release it and absorb what God is teaching and giving you.
6. Avoid victim vocabulary- You will attract buzzards. Not everyone is for you when you are going through. Look at Job and his friends. Don’t go talking and asking everyone for prayer. Find 1 prayer partner or your church intercessors- God hears you all by yourself! Stop talking looser talk. Hold your head up high, you are a winner!!
7. Don’t advertise your fire. You will attract pain lovers. Look at Job; his friends actually vacationed with him. Job’s friends loved his pain. God will send the right people to encourage and pray for you who know your worth and end. It’s not up to you to prove your worth-it’s up to them to discern your character. You have the character of Jesus in you!
8. Find someone to help when you’re in the fire. Jacob- 7 years working for Rachel only to find out he had married Leah. The fact is he had deceived Esau out of his birthright years before. What you make happen for someone, God will make happen for you! Sowing and reaping—You want watermelons, plant watermelons. You need a healing, start praying for sick people, You need a financial blessing, start sowing into a good ministry. What you sow, God will surely see that you reap. Concentrate on making someone else successful and God will see that you are successful.
Thank you for concentrating and sowing your time, prayers, finances, etc with the Christian Caring Center in 2019. We look forward to partnering with you in 2020 and can’t wait to see the wonderful things God will do with our clients, volunteers, staff and supporters.
Abiding in Him,
Madelyn Sutton