“They celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of your righteousness.” Psalm 145:7

If living in the woods or under our storage trailer, if seniors or children going hungry were acceptable; then the Christian Caring Center would not have existed. But you see God called the prophet Isaiah to say in chapter 58:10 “And if you offer yourself to the hungry And satisfy the need of the afflicted, Then your light will rise in darkness, And your gloom will become like midday.
The Christian Caring Center serves as a refuge to all homeless and low-income people in need. Clients can access our Outreach Center for a place to shower and to receive food, clothing, breakfast, and a hot cooked lunch in addition to case management services to fulfill many of our client’s life-essential needs, including the Gospel that will save their very soul! We seek to empower our clients and to build their children’s future, both here on earth and in heaven. We seek to encourage, give them sustainability, confidence and allow them to give back and help others–just as Jesus did when He walked this earth. We believe that by offering the Emergency Food Program and Community Lunch/Street Homeless Program, our clients are encouraged to come to us for help at an early stage before the risk for food insecurity, homeless prevention, utility shut offs reaches a crisis point. Our case managers and volunteers are trained trauma informed, person centered care or have their own life testimonies to share one on one. When someone is homeless or in an emergency and looking for help, they are distraught and the process can be confusing and onerous. Our case managers lay out a step-by-step plan with care and compassion with the leading of the Holy Spirit. The Christian Caring Center has computers, telephones, fax, and a copier for clients to use for seeking jobs, resumes, applications to Social Security, Welfare, food stamps, heating assistance, etc. When low-income people come in with the effects of poverty and inflation, we can assist in an emergency, like past due rent, utility shut off notices, etc. and with wraparound programs, which help prevent emergencies. However, there is never enough funds to keep helping throughout the entire year.
The Christian Caring Center runs 2 emergency men’s shelters, 1 family shelter 90 day, rapid rehousing programs. We assist homeless individuals who are working or have a sustainable income such as Social Security Disability find safe affordable housing. We also run two low demand walking 14-bed Code Blue Shelter that helped over 40 homeless people with shelter. The Christian Caring Center has a stellar reputation and has emerged over our 40 years as a strong leader of nonprofits in Burlington County. However, the reason we celebrate the Goodness of God is there are literally thousands who have made a decision to accept what Jesus did on the cross for payment of their sins over the past 40 years-PRAISE THE LORD!! Many have come to volunteer at the Christian Caring Center or other ministries. Many have been set free from the grips of addiction, the trauma of homelessness, senior citizens out of sleeping in their cars or Code Blue Shelter to their own apartments, families have been reunited and by the Glory of God -children are not going hungry! God has sent His Holy Spirit to the Christian Caring Center, but He also sent all of you! You have prayed for us and our clients through many storms. You have supported the Christian Caring Center and it’s clients with the giving of your finances, giving of your things at our Village Thrift Shop, volunteered endless hours of time distributing food, cooking casseroles, painting our picnic tables, raked our lawns and planted flowers andwitnessing, praying for our clients, and the list goes on and on. Truly not one of us has not been blessed by you!! I just want to take this time to say thank you over and over again as together we have touched the very souls of others in JESUS’ NAME! Please make sure if you can, come and celebrate with us on April 27th. It just won’t be the same without you!
If you would like to volunteer, our volunteer application is online or stop by the Center or the Village Thrift Shop. Whoever you are, whatever you do, you can have Jesus in your life. Don’t think you need extraordinary qualifications or a lot of money; He accepts you as you are. Thank you for sharing your prayers, time, and financial gifts to spread this wonderful Gospel to the people we serve at the Christian Caring Center.
Abiding in Him,
Madelyn Sutton
Executive Director