But how will people call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how will they believe in Him of
When God speaks we should listen. But when He repeats an important truth, it should be received with our undivided attention. Then comes the devastating reality that unless someone is prepared to go and tell lost sinners that ‘whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved’, they will never hear. No matter how amazing the Gospel of Christ may be… unless lost souls are told the truth about sin and salvation… and unless the Good News of the Gospel of Grace is proclaimed universally, men and women, boys and girls, rich and poor, Jews and Gentiles alike, will remain dead in their trespasses and sins. Not all of us may be called into the Office of Evangelist or Preacher, but every one of God’s children has a commission to be light in this darkened realm and salt in a putrefying world. God’s witnesses to those who are lost in their sins, a testimony of God’s Grace to those who are dead in their trespasses and messengers of hope to those that are without hope in the world. I read this message the other day for my devotion and it was like God was speaking directly to me. This is definitely what we are called to do at the Christian Caring Center but not just when we are scheduled to be in ministry. We are all called to take every opportunity to be a magnet to unbelievers. All of our actions, words, behaviors, attitudes, where we put our money and what we support, how kind we are when we are tired or feeling disrespected, etc. We at the Christian Caring Center are first called to preach the Gospel to the lost or sinners. You hear me say many times, “the problem with ministering to sinners is they keep sinning”. Every day we have people coming to the Christian Caring Center. We see the same people sleeping under our trailer, homeless most times. They are still drinking because we can smell it. Every Wednesday and Friday unfortunately, we see the same people in their sins. But we are still called by God to show them love, to be the light and salt in their lives. I don’t know about you, but I didn’t hear the Gospel one time and instantly repent and give my life to Him. I had been in church all my life and as a teenager rebelled. For years I partied like a sailor (while still going to church) and at 17 got married to a drug addict because I knew my parents were fed up and going to kick me out or put me somewhere. In a year and a half I ended up off drugs only because I got pregnant. When my son was born, my addicted husband left me. I found myself homeless in a car with an infant in October. But God! My Dad came and found us. He let me come home. My son and I stayed there for 4 years. I had to go on welfare. I started college at Burlington County College. I still was in my sin (still going to church) only now I was in disco clubs. It wasn’t until I started feeling God drawing me to Himself, people out of nowhere started talking to me about a personal relationship with Jesus and I kept hearing the words Born Again. I thought you were either born Jewish, Muslim or Christian. Then one day I heard Jimmy Swaggart on TV and by myself I said the sinner’s prayer while lying in bed. I wasn’t going to church because I had moved. BUT GOD had provided two wonderful, patient women in my neighborhood who had a Bible Study in their homes. They

me for over 2 years. Then, by the urging of my Grammy, I went to church. I landed in St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, which later became Messiah Lutheran Church, who started the Christian Caring Center and the rest is history. I say all this to say, Faint Not, stay faithful to your testimony, know that someone is watching you beside God. They are looking for the answers and they might not know that God is the answer-but you do! God has promised to hear the cries of all who call upon Him. How shocking to realize that unless the Gospel is preached to a world of unsaved people, they will neither hear the truth, nor be able to call out to the only One Who can save them from their sins and a lost eternity – but how will they hear without a witness?
Thank you for support this vital work of God! We minister to hundreds of people every month that need to hear the Gospel message over and over again.
Abiding in Him
Madelyn Sutton