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Acts 3:6 “Then Peter said, “Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.” I recently heard a sermon entitled “GO”. The Pastor talked about how everyone keeps saying, “they can’t wait until the churches reopen”. But his response really made me think. It is absolutely wonderful to worship corporately, pray corporately and see church family; however most of us have Zoom and have had a glimpse of this throughout the pandemic. The pastor went on to say that through out the bible most of the church work miracles were done on the street or in the parking lot of the synagogues. In Acts3:6 Peter was confronted by a man begging for change and Peter had the real change for this man’s life--Jesus and the man was healed. In Luke 10:25-37 is the account of the Good Samaritan just walking on a path and was confronted with a situation of a man needing help. The Samaritan responded. We know the list goes on and on of accounts of how God uses His “Church” members to respond mostly outside the four walls of the church. You and the Christian Caring Center are doing this every day. We are open right now Wednesday thru Friday 10 am to 3 pm and Monday and Tuesday. remotely through emails. Ordinary people confronted by our community in need and God meet their needs on the streets, parking lots and through the internet.

 We are serving twice as many people through our drive through Food Pantry Wednesday-Friday

 We are serving about the same amounts of lunches in our Community Lunch Program and Street and Motel outreach every Wednesday and Friday

 We are serving three times as many homeless people with emergency shelter--temporary motel stay.

 We are serving twice as many people with either homeless prevention rental payments or Rapid Re housing rental payments.

 Even with very strict precautions our Men’s Emergency Shelters are at the same capacity.

 Our Resurrection and Backpack outreaches have increased also. NONE of this would have been possible without your help in supporting us financially, through prayer and volunteering, virtual Board members and fundraising committees, donating for food, clothing, blankets, diapers and formula, seasonal helpers, the list goes on and on. Whatever part you are called on to support this ministry and our clients you are so essential to God’s plan. Each time you serve we have an opportunity to impact someone’s life for Jesus! We are putting together food boxes for Thanksgiving and Christmas and trying to plan for Code Blue Shelters. I just got off a conference call with the Landlord/Tenant Court for B.C. as they are preparing to open up. Thank God, He’s been interceding on the behalf of the Landlord and Tenants that have fallen behind. The court is putting a support system of agencies both governmental and non-profit to help with back rent and prevent homelessness-PTL!! This is a critical time for reaching out and making an impact on our community like never before. We could never do it without your help, support and prayers! We thank you so much for supporting us even when God and the Christian Caring Center is the only one seeing but hundreds are receiving! That is giving as to God! Thank you so much! Madelyn Sutton Executive Director


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