1 Timothy 5:3-4

1 Timothy 5:3-4 “Give proper recognition to those widows who are really in need. But if a widow has children or grandchildren, these should learn first of all to put their religion into practice by caring for their own family and so repaying their parents and grandparents for this is pleasing to God.”
This is how we are supposed to care for widows and orphans. To me, children in a single parent home are practically orphans. There are many people who care wonderfully for their aging parents and grandparents. However there are many who don’t or can’t for numerous reasons. That is when the church and members of the church step in. The Christian Caring Center is an arm of the church to help care for the people who need help and that is why many churches and members of churches support, pray and partner with us in so many ways.
The Christian Caring Center was able to provide:
187 People that gave their lives to the Lord!
Over 2561 households or 7,848 Individuals and children didn’t go hungry with the help of 75,128 meals in our emergency pantry.
Over 11,061 meals were served at our community lunch and delivered to the homeless in the woods and two local motels.
Over 9 Households or Individuals received rental prevention monies to prevent them becoming homeless.
31 Households or individuals received 1st month rental monies to move from homelessness to rapid rehousing.
31 Households or 69 Individuals received 170 nights of emergency shelter in short term motels
50 Unduplicated men and women Code Blue Shelter Emergency food and shelter to the homeless during below 25 degree cold weather with 426 nights of shelter.
1,120 Households with over 1,088 children were blessed with food, supplies and gifts distributed for children for back-to-school, Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
We are so very blessed to have each and everyone one of you! We are also looking for many new opportunities to partner with Churches, individuals, civic groups, corporate groups in 2019. We have a staff person dedicated now to volunteers and development, Brenda Goble. We have this brand new makeover in our building and we want every minute that it is open to glorify God and serve His people. We can’t do it without you. If you would like to grow in your relationship and serve God, we have a place for you. Whether or not you begin to give financially, volunteer, serve on a committee or board, come paint a picnic table, plant flowers, or make a meal and eat it with someone at the Christian Caring Center. The opportunities are many, so give Brenda a call at 609-893-0700 or email her at christiancaringcenter@yahoo.com.
Abiding in Him,
Madelyn Sutton