And let us not be weary...
Galatians 6:9 “And let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”
Sometimes people ask me, “Aren’t you afraid sometimes with the things you do?” I can honestly say no. But there is one thing that makes me afraid sometimes, and that is the warning in this verse. The Christian Caring Center will be 35 years old this coming April. I have been its director for 34 of those years and volunteered the first year. I have truly loved every minute. Sometimes the injustice, pain and suffering of the people who come in overwhelm me, but that usually inspires me to pray more and do more. The commentary I read on this verse in the Geneva Study Bible said, “Against those who are generous at the beginning but do not continue, because the harvest seems to be deferred a long time, as though the seed time and harvest were simultaneous.” I wish I could tell you that God raises up new donors as earlier donors stop giving, but new donors have to be cultivated by the Holy Spirit, especially in this work. What makes me grow weary is the financial situation of the Christian Caring Center. I have witnessed both harvest and famine in my 34 years here, and I need to be honest and tell you that this is a hard financial time for us. We have obligations just like everyone else (mortgages, utilities, payroll for staff, etc.). Contributing to this situation are our two big grants: One grant has seen a 60% cut for the entire county. The other grant should have been received on July 1, 2017, but has been under a State review and has not been released yet. This has resulted in two staff members being furloughed and clients not receiving services. The reduction in grant monies will cut into our case management services, which translates into staff case managers. Can you help us on Giving Tuesday? #GivingTuesday Click here to find out how!
This is the Thanksgiving season, and I am so blessed by the donors we have at the Christian Caring Center. Some have been giving since the beginning, praying for the ministry and clients, volunteering, etc. We have our long standing testimony of God providing and never letting us down and we stand on His word, that He will never leave us or forsake us… There have been advances at the same time. We were awarded a separate grant for a joint venture with Won by One, Inc., for the purchase of a new family shelter and men’s shelter. Also, the land adjacent to our Outreach Center has been donated to the Christian Caring Center and we are seeking another joint venture with Citizens Serving the Homeless to develop 6 micro-housing units for homeless individuals. But, best of all: In 9 months, 69 people have given their lives to Jesus! We are standing on the verse in John 15:1-2 “I am the true vine and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch that doesn’t produce fruit and He prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more.” We are so grateful to you who support the ministry of the sharing of the gospel and prayer and then providing love through the sharing of food, clothing, shelter and other physical necessities when available. We know that there are a lot of good Christian ministries out there and we thank you for choosing the Christian Caring Center to further the gospel. Happy Thanksgiving!
Abiding in Him
Madelyn Sutton